Does your woodland have a supply of non-timber forest products that could be sustainably harvested on a commercial basis?
If you have a woodland and wish to make some income from it, then first task is to conduct a basic inventory of the resources present. You will then need to establish if there is anything with commercial viability and present in large enough quantities to support sustainable harvesting.
Take a look at our Woodland Walkabout film for some inspiration!
There are lots of reasons to find out more about your woodland; for monitoring, as a basis for a management plan, to design an appropriate silvicultural system, to record biodiversity, etc, as well as planning for sustainable harvesting. There are almost as many ways to survey your woodlands (make a record of all the different plant and animal species present)– from inviting a plant expert over for the afternoon to conducting detailed surveys. However, if you want to use the information you collect to serve as a basis for planning sustainable harvesting then it is best to be systematic and to undertake a forest inventory. Over the past few years Wild Resources Ltd, on behalf of Llais y Goedwig, have developed a simple survey method which will work for common species in modest sized woodlands.
You can download the handbook for the survey here:
Protocol for woodland resource survey
Focus on Forestry First funded the development of a 3-day course based on this handbook, called Uncovering Hidden Opportunities. Course materials and information on upcoming courses can be found on the Focus On Forestry First website and in the LINKS section of this website.
You may already be very familiar with all the different tree and plant species in your woodland. But which ones could potentially act as commercially viable products? Find out more about CHOOSING PRODUCTS.

If you have a woodland and wish to make some income from it, then first task is to conduct a basic inventory of the resources present. You will then need to establish if there is anything with commercial viability and present in large enough quantities to support sustainable harvesting.
Take a look at our Woodland Walkabout film for some inspiration!
There are lots of reasons to find out more about your woodland; for monitoring, as a basis for a management plan, to design an appropriate silvicultural system, to record biodiversity, etc, as well as planning for sustainable harvesting. There are almost as many ways to survey your woodlands (make a record of all the different plant and animal species present)– from inviting a plant expert over for the afternoon to conducting detailed surveys. However, if you want to use the information you collect to serve as a basis for planning sustainable harvesting then it is best to be systematic and to undertake a forest inventory. Over the past few years Wild Resources Ltd, on behalf of Llais y Goedwig, have developed a simple survey method which will work for common species in modest sized woodlands.
You can download the handbook for the survey here:
Protocol for woodland resource survey
Focus on Forestry First funded the development of a 3-day course based on this handbook, called Uncovering Hidden Opportunities. Course materials and information on upcoming courses can be found on the Focus On Forestry First website and in the LINKS section of this website.
You may already be very familiar with all the different tree and plant species in your woodland. But which ones could potentially act as commercially viable products? Find out more about CHOOSING PRODUCTS.